Help Center

What Golf bets do you Support?
Bula Instant Bets supports Match Play, Skins, Stroke Play, Wolf, Closest to the Pin (Greenies), Longest Drive, Birdies, Sandies, Team Best Ball, 9 Point (3 players only), Putting and Snake. You can also create a custom bet by choosing ‘Custom’. Ensure the creation of only skill-based bets to adhere to state regulations. 


Can I still accept an invitation when a bet has been started? No, once the initiator has started the bet, no new participants can be added; even if they have a pending invitation. 

Can I invite other Players
as a Participant? Currently, only the Initiator can invite other players to participate by using the ‘Add Players’ functionality. Participants need to have downloaded the app and created a username before the Initiator can invite them to participate in a bet.

Is my information secure?
We take data privacy very seriously. Any personal information provided to Bula Technologies is stored securely and audited by an independent third-party cyber security firm.

Rules of Play
Reporting Results and Cancellations. When the bet initiator chooses the winner, our system will automatically assign the Winner(s) and initiate settlement payments. From that moment, participants have 24 hours to dispute by emailing a bet go undisputed within 24 hours of it being settled, any dispute thereafter will be considered null and void.For the Alpha release of Bula Instant Bets, there is no method to cancel an Open or Locked bet. The only way to end a bet is by manually choosing multiple Winner(s) and setting the Winning amounts to being equally divided across all participants.PreGame Rules. You are agreeing to the terms of the bet that the initiator and participants haveDefined and discussed together. The initiator can add specific bet terms by adding term descriptions to the Bet Details. Official Game RulesIt is the responsibility of Bula Instant Bet users to read and fully understand these rules and policies before participating in any bet. These rules apply to all bets.Any rule not stated in the pregame rules will be considered invalid and not enforceable rule for the contest. All agreed-upon rules apply to all parties unless the agreed-upon rules specifically state otherwise. Any rule that does not pertain to game play for the bet that is set up is not enforceable.Non-registered guests are not allowed to participate in any Bula Instant Bets bets. If you’re playing with a guest who is not a user and that bet is disputed for any reason, that bet will be considered null and void and money should be refunded to all parties.DisputesDisputes can be filed by emailing Any time a rule is claimed to have been violated, evidence is required to back that claim or it will be considered invalid.Bula Instant Bets is not responsible for settling any on-course disputes regarding USGA’s official guide to the rules of golf and its interpretations that may directly impact the outcome of abet.Any dispute based on settings or functions that can be viewed pregame will be automatically invalid. If you wait until your opponent has an advantage to exit and make a claim regarding a pregame setting, your claim will be considered invalid.If you do not agree with a pregame setting or the inclusion of other participants, do not start or join the bet.There are no forfeit wins on Bula Instant Bets bets nor is there any reason to claim a win in a bet that has not begun.As the Initiator, if you intentionally exit a bet while losing, or the contest is tied and provide no valid evidence that would give you grounds to exit the bet, you will automatically concede that bet, should it be disputed.If you claim a win in a bet that you have lost and provide nothing that would give you grounds to do so, that dispute will be considered invalid.Providing inaccurate information to your opponent in an attempt to mislead them or gain a competitive advantage you would not have otherwise had will result in an automatic Forfeiture Providing inaccurate information and/or evidence in an attempt to mislead Bula Technologies staff in a review will result in an automatic forfeit.Absolutely No CheatingIf the Initiator decides a rule has been broken by one of the participants at any point where they are winning the match, the match is tied, or within one score, the Initiator has sole and unfettered discretion to be the arbiter of truth.Bula Technologies is not responsible for settling any on-course disputes regarding the interpretation of USGA’s official guide to the rules of golf and its interpretations that may directly impact the outcome of a match.DisconnectionsIt is the responsibility of the Bula Instant Bet user to read and fully understand these rules and policies before participating in any bets. These rules apply to all bets.If an Initiator’s phone battery is depleted while hosting a bet, the bet will automatically be considered null & void after 60 minutes of inactivity.In circumstances where a bet initiation is subject to loss of cellular connection, contests can be recreated at the next appropriate moment. As Initiator, if you and your participants start a new contest with the intent to play out theremainder of the bet and you do not agree with the proposed pre-bet settings, donot accept the contest. If you accept a new contest, your claim will be considered invalid.Any action taken that intentionally violates the disconnection policy will result in anydispute being null and void.Refusal to follow the disconnection policy in a contest that is tied or you are losing with nogrounds to do so will result in forfeit. Refusal to follow the disconnection policy in a contestthat you are winning with no grounds to do so can also result in an unfavorable decision.Code of ConductIt is the responsibility of Bula Instant Bets users to read and fully understand the Code ofConduct prior to using Bula Instant Bets. Any attempt to artificially give someone wins or losses is prohibited. Impersonating or attempting to impersonate another user in any way isProhibited.Setting up matches with the intent to do anything but participate in a game of skill is aviolation of the mobile app policy. The first instance in which someone does so they will begiven a warning. Any subsequent instance will result in probation and/or suspension.Accessing or playing games on another customer's account is prohibited. Anyone found tohave accessed another customer’s account or allowed another player to access their ownwill be suspended and their accounts will be placed under review.If you are cited for providing evidence that is not from the match in question, your accountwill be closed. Anything deemed to be racist in nature will result in your account beingClosed.


General DisputesThree disputes within a 15-day period will result in your account being placed under reviewand based on the sole discretion of Bula Technologies staff, your account could be closed. After a 5th dispute in 15 days, your account could be closed indefinitely.

Providing Inaccurate InformationThe first instance in which inaccurate information is provided in an attempt to mislead Bula Technologies staff in the review of a dispute could result in your account being closed. The second instance will result in your account being closed.

Dispute Fines
Initiating a dispute with no valid claim or evidence will be deemed null & void. Claiming a win in an unplayed bet can result in your account being closed. The first instance in which someone claims a win in an unplayed bet they will be issued a warning. Any subsequent claimed wins in an unplayed bet will result in your account being closed.Providing inaccurate information and/or evidence in an attempt to mislead Bula Technologies staff in a review will result in your account being closed.Using Bula Instant Bets to do anything other than participate in a game of skill can result in your account being closed. Duplicate Accounts

Creating Duplicate Accounts
First instance results in a warning.Second instance your account will be put under review.Third instance your accounts will be closed.

Creating Duplicate Accounts (while inactive):First instance results in a warning.Second instance results in all of your accounts being closed and a permanent ban.If your account is reinstated under our zero-tolerance policy, a single violation of the code of conduct will result in a permanent ban.